Read my blog

Experimentation is the Key

I have always experimented, from my early schooldays, through my time in the theatre, working on stage, making props and special effects , and through into my artwork and photography, something recent has been playing with the old and the new, lenses for example ,...

There is no box

The 'you can't do that' attitude doesn't work when you realise there is no box, in many things, not just art, how do you think that the great inventors came up with their inventions, and art is just the same, It is all part of being a 'creative' – yes there will be...

Why ‘NoBoxArt’

Why ‘NoBoxArt’

I have been asked why NoBoxArt? The reason, to me at least is straight forward: I have never seen a box, especially when it comes to art. My ideas come from a much varied background where I have never been able to settle to a simple life, right from school days when...